Pet Essentials To Keep Your Pets Happy And Healthy
January 13, 2023

If you just got a new pet, whether it is a rescue puppy, kitten, or adult dog, you will need items that will make living with your pet easier. But before you go out shopping and spend too much money, here are some essentials you must know about keeping your pet happy and healthy. 



Most pet owners are aware that a new puppy or cat needs to have vaccinations. Sometimes these can be just injections or jabs. The amount of vaccination to be given to your dog for protection range from two to three shots a few weeks apart. If you have adopted an adult dog, you should be given proof of vaccination, and this will tell you when your dog’s next vaccination is due. If you have no proof and you have no information about your pup’s last vet, you can speak to your vet and find out if your puppy is due for a vaccination. Cats and kittens also need to be vaccinated. 


Pet insurance. 

Just as in human medicine, veterinary healthcare has also improved tremendously. From CT scans to chemotherapy, your pet can benefit from top-quality medicines and diagnostics. Gone are the days when people had difficulty dealing with animals that were suffering from a specific disease. Some clinics have specialists in treating certain illnesses. But this comes at a high cost. Pet insurance is designed to help you with expenses when your pet gets ill. Financing the cost of treating your pet does not have to be your primary concern. Spending more time with your pet should be a priority. The cost of insurance and the level of coverage vary between providers, so you should shop around and find the insurance that suits you and your pet best. 


Parasite control. 

Another essential you need to get for your pet are parasite control products. Deworming is very important in puppy and kitten care. By deworming your dog and cat regularly, you are not only protecting their health, but you are protecting the overall health of your family. A good breeder will already have a deworming routine for your dog or cat ready for you to follow. You should understand that the deworming routine should be continued even after your pet comes home. Roundworm is something that affects the health of your children if not properly taken care of. You should ensure that everyone in the family washes their hands after handling dogs and cats. 


Food bowls, water bowls, and food. 

A healthy diet is essential for your pet’s life. Choosing food for your pet is important, and it must be nutritionally balanced to provide all the needed nutrients for their growth and development. Both dogs and cats have specific nutritional needs. I know it might be tempting to feed your pet the same food you eat, but that is not going to be nutritionally appropriate. 

How you offer food to your pet is also important. For food bowls, you should go for stainless steel bowls as they’re easy to clean. Unlike steel bowls, you will need to replace plastic and ceramic bowls more frequently.